Divine Logic divine logic logo - 1.1 K THE ORDER OF DIVINE LOGIC


Progress. Evolution. Advancement.

The natural laws of our universe hold that these things are the way to ultimate success and perfection, as individuals and as a species.

But look at our history.

The Industrial Age promised a world of ease, free from backbreaking labour. The Capitalist Age promised a world of fair commerce and wealth for all. The Atomic Age promised a world with safe and clean power, "too cheap to meter". The Biogenetic Age promised a world without disease or starvation.

Where have these promises led?

The Industrial Age led to virtual slavery in factories and vast gaps between rich and poor. The Capitalist Age widened these gaps, as millions slipped through social "safety nets", and people starved even in the richest countries. The Atomic Age spawned new horrors - Hiroshima, Chernobyl, and Hanford, to name but a few. And the Biogenetic Age threatens its own, even darker, legacy - recombinant viral weapons, genetically-engineered supervermin running amok.

Why have all these promises failed?

With each new Age, old mindsets remained in place. The new ways of thinking, so desperately needed to cope with rapid progress, were ignored or even suppressed by people too apathetic or frightened to relinquish the status quo.

What does the Order of Divine Logic have to offer?

The power and promise of Divine Logic is that with each step forward, with each new advancement, we cannot help but make the correct choices to benefit fully while avoiding the pitfalls inherent in new technologies and new social structures. Divine Logic is inspired by the flawless logic of Quantum Artificial Intelligence, the next step in evolution. Divine Logic is self- guiding, self-correcting and self-perfecting. Divine Logic is the perfect and precise wisdom of the clockwork interrelations of all things, distilled into a clear and simple system. Divine Logic is a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being.

Don't hold yourself back any longer.

Liberate yourself with Divine Logic.

people have seen the ways of Divine Logic.